Presentate yourself in the forum and you will be activated
Hi Guys
since we had many spammer attacks during tha last months we decided to swith the account activation from user to admin.
That is to say that will be an admin, Me or Burt, that will activate our account after your request.
What to do?
Well you have to register on this website and then you have to post a "presentation post" in the forum.
We created a public area called "Presentation and activation".
You have to go in that section and open an activation thred.
That is to say you have to open a thread saying"hello" and asking to the admins to activate your account.
Also the not activated user can post in that section. You have to specify in the post the nickname you used for registering.
Beware you have to spcify the nickname inside the body of the post..not as the postingnickname.
The posting nickname will be "Guest" for everyone.
Only the member that will ask by opening a thred will be activated. You will have to open the thread 5 days from the registration moment. If you will take more time your nick will be banned and your mail too.
We are sad about this decision but it's the only way to block spammers.
We hope you'll understand...after using many antibot and antispammer methods now we use this one, hoping that this decision will not affect the community.
Have a nice time